Igniting action to make invisible elders visible again

There are many organizations that pair lonely seniors with people from around the world. One example is Reachout America’s Adopt A Senior program, through which you can find a senior who would love to receive an uplifting note—either on paper or online—from you. It’s easy to get started, and is a terrific opportunity for you to make a difference in an elder’s life. You may find that your pen pals have as much (if not more!) to offer you as you have to them! The goal isn’t necessarily to form a long-term relationship; even a single card or note can make a profound difference in someone’s life.
Another group, The Adopt A Senior Organization, founded in 2014 and based in New Jersey, is a non-profit whose mission is to provide gifts to as many seniors living in long-term care facilities as possible. Each year, seniors in participating facilities complete "Wish List" profile forms indicating items they would like for the holidays. Friends and family, along with staff, then select a profile, purchase items from the profile, and wrap and tag the gifts for the adopted senior. They welcome any donation, via PayPal or check, to advance their mission. Since its inception, they have provided gifts to over 3,000 seniors. They are expanding their program to include year-round gifts to reach more facilities through the New York/New Jersey Tri-State area.
Although any amount of donation is greatly appreciated, for every $50 donation they receive, the Organization will select a senior(s) on your behalf and ensure that the individual(s) receives their gifts throughout the year. All gifts will be provided to your senior in your name, and include a Holiday Gift, a Birthday Gift, and two other gifts during the year.
Click the button for information about making a donation
Alternatively, you may request a Wish List and shop for your senior's gift yourself; just click the icon to email The Adopt A Senior Organization at info@adopt-a-senior.org
Skip the Stamps!
Readytocare.com is a pen pal program that connects people with seniors, to spread joy and help prevent social isolation and loneliness. You can write a letter using their online form or upload a handwritten letter. You can even choose pretty “stationery” for your online letter and upload photographs.
Their review team screens all letters for safety before delivering them to seniors. If you wish to stay connected with a senior, simply include your name and e-mail address or mailing address.